Training @ November

DATE DAY TIME WORKSHOP NAME SPEAKER HOST LIVE LINK Brochure Slides Presentation Recorded Session
16-11-2021 & 16-11-2021 Tue & Wed 9.00 AM- 4.30 PM 6th ISS 2021: Strengtening Teaching and Learning Beyond the New Norm   UTLC Meeting number (access code): 
Meeting password: 
09-11-2021  Tue  9.00 AM- 12.00 PM Virtual Reality

PM Dr. Tan (UMK)

 UTLC  Future Learning Lab (FLL), UTLC      
02-11-2021 Tue  9.00 AM- 12.00 PM Web 2.0: Genially Puan Naziran Johar (USM)/
Leong Mi-Chelle (KDU)/
Prof. Dr Abd Karim Alias (USM)
 UTLC  Future Learning Lab (FLL), UTLC